

Jilin-1 Gaofen-02B

Launch Time
Sat Dec 07, 2019 02:55 UTC


Kuaizhou 1A
Image Credit: CASIC
Status: Active
Price: $5.8 million
Liftoff Thrust: 537 kN
Payload to LEO: 300 kg
Payload to GTO: 0 kg
Stages: 4
Strap-ons: 0
Rocket Height: 19.8 m
Fairing Diameter: 1.4 m
Fairing Height: 3.4 m

Mission Details

Jilin-1 Gaofen-02B

The satellite is mainly used for land census, urban planning, land rights, road network design, crop estimation and disaster prevention and mitigation, etc., and can provide information guarantee for the construction of the Belt and Road and the modernization of national defense.
The Jilin-1 High Resolution 02 satellites feature an imaging system with a resolution of 0.75 m in panchromatic mode, better than 3 m in multispectral mode, and an image swath of 40 km from a 535 km high orbit. The satellites operate in push-broom mode and are capable of imaging up to 45° off-track.

Payloads: 1
Total Mass: 172.0 kg
Low Earth Orbit


Mobile Launcher Pad, Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center, China



91st orbital launch attempt

Kuaizhou 1A

6th mission
4th mission of 2019
6th successful mission